First time here? is the online Catalogue of definitives stampa from all the world. Can't you consult it? It's easy: follow this list of tips.
Not sure about your search?
Chose 'Catalogue' and then overview from the main menu at the top of the page. You will be taken to the main page of Catalogue; then chose a country from the lists (countries are listed for continent); in the Catalogue page of each country you will find several menus: postage categories, technical pages, etc.Do you know exactly the serie or the stamp you are looking for?
Select a country from the list in the search box. Then select postage type (now there is only ordinary post, but in future there will be airmail stamps, priority stamps, postage due stamps, etc.). Finally, you can chose the serie from a list and you will be taken to the Catalogue page for that issue.
Look at
Stamps series
Every country's issues are listed in categories (ordinary post, airmail, priority stamps, ecc.); for every issue are indicated name, year of issue, number of stamps and an image preview, if available. We try to make your searches as easiest as possible. If there is a clickable arrow beside the name of the set, some specialization (different perforations, watermak positions, etc.) are available; you can see them clicking on the arrow.Stamps
If you select an issue from the issues list you will be taken to the Catalogue page for the chosen issue; stamps are listed by value and the notes about colour and value are always visible. If you click on a single stamp you will open the related data sheet. This shows all informations available about selected stamp: quotation, watermark, technical characteristics (print method, paper, perforation, ecc.). Although we give a quotation for each stamp (common, not common, rare), real quotation is out of our scopes: we always recommend to refer to the quotations of the most known stamps Catalogues.
Help us
If you think our Catalogue is a good idea, you can help us to improve it by sending us all the informations you can: reviews, catalogue pages, complete issues images, etc. On our website there is an apposite page for this.